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Tired of Religion, Seeking a Relationship

Religion is defined in many ways. For the context of this post, I will address religion from a specific perspective that I have found prevalent in both mature people of faith and the immature as well. This brief discussion will not serve to define religion in its totality but only serve to address an issue in the body of believers in general. So what is religion? Religion is a set of beliefs that govern the acceptance, expectations, and responsibilities of a person into group of people as means to determine worthiness of a great reward by their savior. Not keeping these expectation causes shame, judgement, and condemnation to those offenders. Religion strays away from the truths that often create the basis for the faith. Interpretation of these principle truths without study and guidance causes people to be lead to focus on actions that is believed to give them the forgiveness, favor, and salvation that they seek. I have learned that no actions can be maintained without the desire and motivation to power it and that comes through relationship. The motivation comes from the dedication that something is more important to them than themselves. Relationships grow from the concern, needs, and commitment to the other party. This concept of relationship extends to any interaction between party’s. This includes the interaction with God as well. All relationships are governed by expectations of action. These actions have a range of behavior that is acceptable based on the type relationship it is. Father to son, mother to daughter, brother to sister: these relationships have an acceptable set of ideas that define what is considered proper behavior. When the rules of the relationship are skewed and changed to suit certain people, and the ideas are accepted by others, then these new modified principle are what we see. It becomes hard to remember the what the original intent of principles establishment. This breakaway from the basic truths cause damage to expectations in relationships and leads to the development of all kinds of variations to the clear ideas behind the principle. This evolution has happened to religion over the years. Many of the religion’s share a common storyline or very similar fundamental rules. What it takes to gain the forgiveness, favor, grace, mercy, acceptance, power, prosperity, and stability in this life from God becomes the question. Religion vs Relationship is the battle between man’s interpretation of God’s Principles verses the original intent for these principles. We have to seek first a relationship with God to gain and understanding of what the principles mean. This relationship has to be built on love. That is God’s love for us and our love for God. Like all relationships, this one requires communication and listening. It requires time to develop and self-sacrifice. There has to be a purpose or goal that will be accomplished through the relationship that is part of your reason for existence. Religion is the false answer to the development of a relationship with God. It would have you to believe that if you perform certain acts and say certain words with no real conviction that you are entitled to the benefits to the relationship. I’m sorry but if you make a promise to me and tell me you love me, then go out and commit act that hurt me, your words loose there meaning and the relationship falls apart. Your actions have to support the principles of the relationship in order for it to grow and you to receive the benefits from it. Religion is based on acts only. Relationships are built on communication, truth, and growth. What do you have with God?

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